As a simple example, let's say we have an app that has must call out to a native service to get a response to decide whether or not to allow the app to run for this particular user. And let's say that native service is backed by a software solution that requires the username/password, as well as a specific developer license key and server location in order to use the software.
So in this case then, you would create a hybrid app using IBM MobileFirst and code the majority of it in Javascript. We will pick up the example where you will need to call out to the native functionality as described above to make a yes/no decision, and a provide a reason why if 'no' is decided.
First, you will need to pass the required arguments as described above to the native service. There are many ways to do this, but my preference is to use something very familiar to Javascript developers. We can create a JSON string that will contain all the arguments. This can be done simply by using the "stringify" method natively supported in the browser:
var obj = new Object();
obj.username = theUsername;
obj.password = thePassword;
obj.licenseKey = theLicenseKey;
obj.serverURL = theServerURL;
var jsonString = JSON.stringify(obj);
Because this is a hybrid app, this Javascript will be running in the mobile browser and it is possible that a back level device/browser will not have this support. In which case creating a simple JSON string directly will work and support all devices:
var jsonString = "{"
+ "\"username\": \" + theUsername + "\","
+ "\"password\": \" + thePassword + "\","
+ "\"licenseKey\": \" + theLicenseKey + "\","
+ "\"serverURL\": \" + theServerURL + "\"}";
Now, in your Javascript where you will need to call out to the native functionality, you will leverage libraries available in Apache Cordova which is the library to allow access to a set of device APIs that IBM MobileFirst uses. The format for this call will be as follows:
function() { alert("Success!"); },
function(data) { alert("Failed: " + data.message); },
In this Javascript snippet, we are using Cordova to call a native plugin that we will provide in a minute. We pass this "exec" function 1) an anonymous function to alert us on success, 2) an anonymous function to alert us on failure and provide a message why from the native plugin, 3) the name of our native plugin, 4) the method to call on that native plugin, and 5) an array of arguments. In this case we are using anonymous functions for simplicity, you of course would mostly likely use more sophisticated regular functions in your app. Also, because we have captured all the configuration in one JSON object, we are only passing a single object array. Alternatively, we could pass a Javascript array with each of the configuration parameters separately. But that would require use to know something about the order of each argument.
Now that we have the Javascript complete, we need to let the app know about where to find the plugins. This can be done in the config.xml file available for both the Android and iOS environments for our hybrid app in IBM MobileFirst.
// Plugin for iOS
<feature name="MyNativePlugin">
<param name="ios-package" value="MyNativePlugin">
// Plugin for Android
<feature name="MyNativePlugin">
<param name="android-package" value="com.mycompany.plugin.MyNativePlugin">
Now, in your Javascript where you will need to call out to the native functionality, you will leverage libraries available in Apache Cordova which is the library to allow access to a set of device APIs that IBM MobileFirst uses. The format for this call will be as follows:
function() { alert("Success!"); },
function(data) { alert("Failed: " + data.message); },
In this Javascript snippet, we are using Cordova to call a native plugin that we will provide in a minute. We pass this "exec" function 1) an anonymous function to alert us on success, 2) an anonymous function to alert us on failure and provide a message why from the native plugin, 3) the name of our native plugin, 4) the method to call on that native plugin, and 5) an array of arguments. In this case we are using anonymous functions for simplicity, you of course would mostly likely use more sophisticated regular functions in your app. Also, because we have captured all the configuration in one JSON object, we are only passing a single object array. Alternatively, we could pass a Javascript array with each of the configuration parameters separately. But that would require use to know something about the order of each argument.
Now that we have the Javascript complete, we need to let the app know about where to find the plugins. This can be done in the config.xml file available for both the Android and iOS environments for our hybrid app in IBM MobileFirst.
// Plugin for iOS
<feature name="MyNativePlugin">
<param name="ios-package" value="MyNativePlugin">
// Plugin for Android
<feature name="MyNativePlugin">
<param name="android-package" value="com.mycompany.plugin.MyNativePlugin">
Now this Javascript code will work for both iOS and Android environments calling out to the right plugin for the platform as necessary.
The next step is to develop the plugins. Unfortunately the API for plugins between iOS and Android is slightly different beyond just syntactical differences. However the differences aren't that great and are easy to implement.
First let's start with iOS. In this case we need to create a new MyNativePlugin class and place it in the "../native/Classes" directory for our iOS environment. We can declare it as follows:
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <Cordova/CDV.h>
@interface MyNativePlugin : CDVPlugin
- (void)isAppAvailable:(CDVInvokedUrlCommand *)command;
Now we must provide the implementation for this plugin class (Note, I'm not implementing all the error logic you would normally need to provide in a production app). We need to first parse the JSON arguments that was passed to the plugin. Then we need to call out to the native service with those arguments to allow it to make a yes/no decision. In the case of success, we need to simply reply it was a success. In the case of failure, we need to reply it was a failure, but also provide the message describing the reason why so it can be shown in the Javascript alert dialog shown above.
#import "MyNativePlugin.h"
@implementation MyNativePlugin
-(void)isAppAvailable:(CDVInvokedUrlCommand *)command {
BOOL canUseApp = NO;
// Parse the JSON arguments.
if (command.arguments > 0) {
NSString *args = [command.arguments objectAtIndex:0];
NSError *error = nil;
NSDictionary *dict = [NSJSONSerialization
JSONObjectWithData:[args dataUsingEncoding:NSURF8StringEncoding]
if (dict != nil && error != nil) {
// Example call to a service (insert your own code here).
canUseApp = [myService canUseApp:"AppID"
serviceURL:[dict objectForKey:@"serverURL"]
licenseKey:[dict objectForKey:@"licenseKey"]
username:[dict objectForKey:@"username"]
Now let's do the exact same thing for Android (notice the difference in syntax and API calls):
public class MyNativePlugin extends CordovaPlugin {
public boolean execute(final String action,
final JSONArray args, final CallbackContext callbackContext)
throws JSONException {
boolean canUseApp = false;
// First match the action.
if (action.equals("isAppAvailable")) {
// Parse the JSON arguments.
if (args.length() > 0) {
JSONObject json = new JSONObject(args.getString(0));
// Example call to a service (insert your own code here).
canUseApp = myService.canUseApp("AppID",
I did leave out some important things to keep this code example short. For example, proper implementations should introduce more error handling. And plugins should create a separate thread instead of doing it on the main thread. On Android you can do this with the following:
cordova.getThreadPool().execute( /* Wrap your code in a Runnable here */ );
And that's it, you should now be able to create your own Cordova plugins to implement your own native function in your Hybrid app!
The next step is to develop the plugins. Unfortunately the API for plugins between iOS and Android is slightly different beyond just syntactical differences. However the differences aren't that great and are easy to implement.
First let's start with iOS. In this case we need to create a new MyNativePlugin class and place it in the "../native/Classes" directory for our iOS environment. We can declare it as follows:
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <Cordova/CDV.h>
@interface MyNativePlugin : CDVPlugin
- (void)isAppAvailable:(CDVInvokedUrlCommand *)command;
Now we must provide the implementation for this plugin class (Note, I'm not implementing all the error logic you would normally need to provide in a production app). We need to first parse the JSON arguments that was passed to the plugin. Then we need to call out to the native service with those arguments to allow it to make a yes/no decision. In the case of success, we need to simply reply it was a success. In the case of failure, we need to reply it was a failure, but also provide the message describing the reason why so it can be shown in the Javascript alert dialog shown above.
#import "MyNativePlugin.h"
@implementation MyNativePlugin
-(void)isAppAvailable:(CDVInvokedUrlCommand *)command {
BOOL canUseApp = NO;
// Parse the JSON arguments.
if (command.arguments > 0) {
NSString *args = [command.arguments objectAtIndex:0];
NSError *error = nil;
NSDictionary *dict = [NSJSONSerialization
JSONObjectWithData:[args dataUsingEncoding:NSURF8StringEncoding]
if (dict != nil && error != nil) {
// Example call to a service (insert your own code here).
canUseApp = [myService canUseApp:"AppID"
serviceURL:[dict objectForKey:@"serverURL"]
licenseKey:[dict objectForKey:@"licenseKey"]
username:[dict objectForKey:@"username"]
password:[dict objectForKey:@"password"]];
if (canUseApp) {
sendPluginResult:[CDVPluginResult resultWithStatus:CDVCommandStatus_OK]
else {
NSDictionary *d = @{@"message" : @"Unable to successfully enable the app."};
CDVPluginResult *result = [resultWithStatus:CDVCommandStatus_ERROR
[self.commandDelegate sendPluginResult:result callbackId:command:callbackId
if (canUseApp) {
sendPluginResult:[CDVPluginResult resultWithStatus:CDVCommandStatus_OK]
else {
NSDictionary *d = @{@"message" : @"Unable to successfully enable the app."};
CDVPluginResult *result = [resultWithStatus:CDVCommandStatus_ERROR
[self.commandDelegate sendPluginResult:result callbackId:command:callbackId
Now let's do the exact same thing for Android (notice the difference in syntax and API calls):
public class MyNativePlugin extends CordovaPlugin {
public boolean execute(final String action,
final JSONArray args, final CallbackContext callbackContext)
throws JSONException {
boolean canUseApp = false;
// First match the action.
if (action.equals("isAppAvailable")) {
// Parse the JSON arguments.
if (args.length() > 0) {
JSONObject json = new JSONObject(args.getString(0));
// Example call to a service (insert your own code here).
canUseApp = myService.canUseApp("AppID",
if (answer) {
else {
JSONObject jsonResult = new JSONObject();
jsonResult.put("message", "Unable to successfully enable the app.");
return true;
else {
// Indicates action was not found.
return false;
if (answer) {
else {
JSONObject jsonResult = new JSONObject();
jsonResult.put("message", "Unable to successfully enable the app.");
return true;
else {
// Indicates action was not found.
return false;
I did leave out some important things to keep this code example short. For example, proper implementations should introduce more error handling. And plugins should create a separate thread instead of doing it on the main thread. On Android you can do this with the following:
cordova.getThreadPool().execute( /* Wrap your code in a Runnable here */ );
And that's it, you should now be able to create your own Cordova plugins to implement your own native function in your Hybrid app!